How to Create A Responsive Newsletter Template

Responsive newsletter designs and templates basically use the same techniques and concepts that are used in responsive website design. It makes use of adaptive layouts as well as various other advanced techniques that will maximize the effectiveness of newsletter templates.

What Does Responsive Newsletter Template Design Involve?

To provide a basic idea, a responsive newsletter template can be designed with two different CSS layouts. One layout can be designed so it would look great in webmail as well as for desktop clients. Another layout can be designed so it can be read easily on mobile devices.

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Designing Newsletter Templates for Mobile is Not Simple

Designing newsletter templates for mobile is not just about writing CSS specifically for the mobile. Various other things are involved. For example, mobile devices will find layouts with single columns of no more than 600 pixels to be the best since they are easy to read. Buttons and links must have the minimum 44 x 44 pixel target area according to the guidelines provided by Apple.

Guide for Font Sizes And Design Elements

On iPhones, the minimum size for displayed fonts is 13 pixels. This should be considered when styling the text since anything smaller than that would be upscaled and this might break the entire layout. If you want you can also try to override the behavior with your style sheet. The message must also be kept concise. All the important design elements must be kept in the top part of the email. It is harder to scroll down the screen on a cell phone.

There are various other elements that have to be considered and thought of when you create a responsive newsletter template for your email marketing. Contact Ignition Media to create a high quality, effective responsive newsletter template that will deliver results.