Essential Resources for Web Designers

There are no canonized rules for website design. Most of the time, it’s really all about keeping up with trends, and being very sensitive to your website visitor’s needs. Aside from the aesthetic factors of web design, efficient coding skills also come into play. This is why it’s very important for all web designers to keep these resources on hand.

CSS Galleries

Have a look around. Cascading Style Sheets or CSS still dominate today’s web design scene. This is why it’s vital for web designers to keep themselves in the loop. There are a lot of brilliant designs showcased online. They range from very complicated, busy designs to simple but sophisticated ones. Why should you try to reinvent the wheel, right? Pick a design that suits your purpose and make the necessary adjustments so it can deliver the idea you wish to express effectively.

Web Standards

Keep tabs on what websites are winning the price. Again, aside from the aesthetic factors, these web award winners also get the most traffic. When you’re designing a website, a good traffic is what you really want. This will keep your webpage on top of listings, and if you’re designing an online store, it can keep the revenue flowing.

Ready to Ignite Your Website?


There are also tools online which could help you troubleshoot your codes. After all, you wouldn’t want to publish a website code that’s less than perfect. Nothing turns off visitors more than annoying pop-up windows which indicate a problem in the scripting of the codes. Before publishing your website online, polish it and make sure that you’re nipping any possible problems in the bud.

Use validators. There are a lot of free HTML, XML and CSS validators online. Some of them are even capable of telling you how well you can improve your conversion rates with a few tweaks in the code.