WordPress.Com Vs WordPress.Org – What’s The Difference
WordPress is one of the most successful blog hosting websites today. With the advent of WordPress, blogging has become a widely accepted phenomenon; both in the professional as well as the personal world. Can I install my own themes on my blog? Can I make my own plug-ins and use them on my blog? Where can I get more themes for my blog? These and some other questions randomly arise among WordPress users. Here, we elaborate the difference between WordPress.com the website, and the free, open source blogging/CMS software available at WordPress.org.
WordPress.com is the blog site, the site that hosts all the WordPress blogs. Though the software used by both WordPress.com and WordPress.org is very similar, it is not the same. WordPress.com allows many thousands of blogs to be hosted on a single server. Also, the ability to upload plug-ins or themes is not available with WordPress.com. For the simple reason that any change made at WordPress.com would change the entire system and one man’s food is another’s poison. You can of course, install and use the templates available on WordPress.com directly on your blog that is hosted at WordPress.com for free.
WordPress.org is where the open source blogging software is available for free to download and is what this very website is made with. WordPress.org’s blog is Internet software, and should therefore be installed on a web server. There are several web hosting plans available from various hosting companies. There are some companies which offer web hosting for free. These free web hosting companies allow you to install the WordPress software. Once the software is installed, you will be able to install all the plug-ins and themes that you would require for your WordPress blog. Should you require a professional to install WordPress for you, please contact Ignition Media
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