Paradise Point Family Medical Centre

Paradise Point Family Medical Centre is a medical practice in Paradise Point that has been operating since 1995.

  • WordPress
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • JS
  • CSS
Paradise Point Family Medical Centre web design

The Brief

Their website was outdated to the point that it could no longer be updated. They came to us and wanted an easy-to-use website that could be updated in-house effortlessly. We helped them to accomplish this by creating a custom WordPress website that integrates with Elementor Pro.

Our Solution

The website features a modern design, is mobile friendly and has informative pages that cater to a wide audience. The website is also easy to update due to Elementor’s page builder. Overall, we are extremely happy with how the website turned out and so is the client!

To meet the goals of Paradise Point Family Medical Centre, our solution included the following services:

  • Website Design
  • Custom Elementor Theme