Basic Rules Of Website Optimisation

Website optimisation is a crucial aspect for any webmaster who wishes for visitors to come to their website. Ads, attractive design, and well-written content are only useful after your website is found by search engines and therefore, by the intended audience.

Let’s take a look at the website optimisation rules that can make the difference for your business. Whenever you decide to optimise your website for search engines, you need to consider two essential but different elements of the SEO process, which encompass the essence of search engine optimisation for your website. They are:

  • Onpage optimisation
  • Offpage optimisation (search engines give this element more importance)


So what does onpage optimisation cover? Here are some of the aspects:

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  1. Well-constructed website sitemap or navigation structure is instrumental in getting top ranking
  2. The title of your webpage should reflect the content of that page. You can even try 3 page titles separated by ‘|’ to attract search engines and optimise your website better
  3. An important aspect for website optimisation are anchor text links. Try and use anchor texts in your headline as well as throughout the website pages.
  4. Make sure that the keywords weaved into the content are vital and are reflected in your web page’s title.
  5. Use creatively written h1 and h2 html tags and ensure they reflect your most important keywords
  6. Using outbound links to other high ranking websites, using videos, and images with keyword rich descriptions are the other important onpage optimisation elements.


Offpage optimisation covers these aspects:

  1. Non reciprocal links that are linked to your website
  2. The Google search engine page ranking of the website your pages are linked with
  3. The webpage heading of site linked with your website
  4. The linking anchor texts (anchor texts of links that come to your website)
  5. The number of authority websites that are linking to the website (.edu, .ac, .gov are especially important domains for linking)

As anyone in this business will advice you, these barebones basic rules need to be incorporated for the effective optimisation of website.