How Does A Search Engine Rank A Website
Today using the search facility over the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. Want the answer to a question – search. Want to know the latest news – search. Want a recipe – search. It’s all about using your favourite search engine to find your answers.
But how is it that some website pages are shown on Search engine page 1, some on page 2 and so on? How does a search engine rank a website? How does a search engine determine which website is the most relevant? Do search engines always get the ranking right? Well, no, search engines do list non-relevant web pages on the first page many times. Which means you will need to dig a little more in order to find out what you want to know. However, that being said, it’s true that search engines, mostly, do a good job of sorting the millions of pages to bring you the most relevant to your search.
Let’s take a quick look at some of the factors that search engines consider when ranking websites.
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1) Trust or Authority of Host Domain – 24%
2) Link Popularity of a Specific Page – 22%
3) Anchor Text of External Links – 20%
4) On-Page Keywords Usage – 15%
5) Traffic & Click Through Data – 7%
6) Social Graph Metrics – 6%
7) Registration & Hosting Data – 5%
Search engines use an algorithm that helps sort through millions of pages based on the above 7 contributing factors. Depending on these various factors, a website can rank high or low on SERPs when you tepee a search term.
That’s why it’s important to have a good SEO expert take care of your website. On page optimisation is very important for search engine spiders to find and display your website, so remember this!