How To Get To The Top Of MSN
MSN Search ranks quite highly among Internet users who are looking for information online. Most people prefer it to search engines such as Google and Yahoo! because of the information-oriented results that it provides. MSN Search has a knack of identifying webpages that are rich in content and bringing those on the top of its search results. Recently, MSN Search has innovated the way people can search for information on the Internet by introducing its neural ranking system known as RankNet. This system allows MSN Search to analyze patterns in what people are searching and then hone its search results in that manner.
The crux of it all is that you can get to the top of MSN if you focus on search engine optimizing your content on keywords and using other on-page and off-page SEO tactics.
For off-page SEO, take care that none of your pages have broken links. If they have, MSN will simply skip them. In a similar fashion, your HTML coding has to be precise. Since MSN will navigate through your entire website in order to be able to rank it, you must provide a sitemap. This makes navigation easier for MSN Search. You must also include a robots.txt file which makes it simpler for MSN Search to understand your webpages and rank them, often in the way you want.
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On-page SEO for MSN Search includes all the usual tactics of SEO that webmasters normally use. You have to research keywords to put into your content. Use search engine optimized headings and description lines. Also include a summary line at the end. You must keep your webpages information-rich if you want the MSN Search engine to rank them. Also, cut down on the images. Do not keep any images that are less than 150 KB.
A little bit of strategizing and planning can get you on the top of MSN and drive a healthy flow of traffic to your website.