Daily Duties of an SEO
Many people, especially those interested in become a SEO, often wondering what the daily duties of a SEO are. Right at the start, it should be mentioned that being a SEO includes many different activities. Also, working on website optimisation requires constant researching and learning. Ignition Media specialises in SEO, so, in this article, we will give you a run down on what we do here, on a day-to-day basis to keep our clients’ sites in order, and at the top of Googles search rankings.
Further down, we will describe our daily duties. Every duty plays a significant role in the SEO chain. All of them together offer a positive and result – being at the top of search rankings.
When one big SEO project is done, it is actually just a beginning. The first thing on which we focus is the review of the project. By observing the site, we can figure out if there are some things which we need to fix, or if there is something we should add. It is a part of the process. Marketing analysis is highly important as well, because you must be familiar with the current situation on the market. Also, competitive analysis is another daily duty.
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Part of our daily work routine is researching and learning. The fact is, SEO is changing, it is evolving, and every day, there is something new in this field. We always work on our knowledge and skills, because improvement, in every single way, is highly significant for our business. Missing some important updates can easily throw you off track. We are evolving in the same way the SEO does.
Several years ago, SEO was mainly about on-site optimisation and backlinks, but today, it is much more than that. Here, at Ignition Media, we have several teams, and every team has its own duties. In order to provide a SEO campaign, which will be excellent, all the teams need to collaborate.
Every SEO project begins for a purpose, which is promoting the website of the company, its products and services, and every company has its own goals. On a day-to-day basis, we need to be focused on those goals. Our job is to help realise the objectives through SEO. We are doing that in various ways, through the content, blogs, social media, and many other things.
Through our work, the sites of our clients are always in order, and as mentioned, at the top of Googles research rankings. To stay on top, we always provide fresh and innovative ideas, in order to promote the website, and increase its traffic. Our job is to target the audience, and we are doing that with carefully selected content, and keywords, constantly monitoring the results. By observing the results, we are learning, and by learning we are making changes which will give better outcomes.
By improving our knowledge, we give our best to educate our clients as well. It is essential to help them understand how SEO works. We always start from the basics, such as why the SEO is important for the business, how Google works, what are citations and how do they help, etc. We are strongly focused on our clients, which is why we tend to provide all the vital information about our work.
As you may notice, our daily duties include many different things. From simple fixes, and different types of analysis, learning and researching, to content, keywords and collaboration with everyone in the team, as well with clients—the list of our activities is very long. People often make a mistake thinking that a SEO project only lasts the time it takes to optimise the content, and that’s it. In reality, the process is a lot different. Promoting the websites of our clients, means promoting their businesses, products and services they are offering. When they are at the top of Googles search rankings, it means the SEO campaign is flawlessly done, but it also means we are still working on it. Those are our daily duties.
If you have any questions about the services we are offering, or if you would like to know more about Ignition Media, the Gold Coast SEO experts, do not hesitate to contact us.
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