Will PHP programming soon be a thing of the past?

PHP programming language is based on the server side. Let’s try to depict the sentence. The PHP language runs on the server-side. This implies that its execution of its scripts is basically performed on the server where the site is the site in question is hosted. HTML embedded implies that you can utilise PHP statements (reading a bit of PHP code) from within the HTML code itself. Then the PHP files are sent back to the browser as plain HTML.
Are you about to start learning PHP but worried that the giant might be exiting? Do not worry because this article addresses this programming concern that has amassed a lot of buzz of recent. Let’s dive in:
The last bit regarding the scripting language is somehow difficult to explain, but let’s give it a go. Scripting languages are a type of programming language that is ideally interpreted as opposed to being compiled. In C or C++ compiling is permanent and programs are compiled into executable files. So is PHP really exiting? If not, where does it stand today?
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The truth is that this language is one of the most popular of them all. It is already installed on million s of website servers across the globe. It fuels about 244 million sites worldwide. Some studies show that over 90% of all internet websites are PHP enabled. Yet, some professional programming language critics and analytics still find PHP’s overall triumph as a quirk. So clearly what is the truth? How relevant is PHP to our businesses and the internet at large before we can even begin thinking about its exit?
As of 2014, the use of PHP on website servers clearly outstripped the use of any other kind of server based scripting language across the internet. This language is more implemented far more than its competitors ASP.NET, ColdFusion, Python, Perl, Ruby and Java. In a single word, PHP is imperative. Despite this, the fact that PHP has some growth pains cannot be ignored.
The road ahead for PHP
Definitely, so much has taken place as far as PHP is concerned. This language has grown and undergone transformations since inception and is mature enough to handle challenges of such minor changes. The future of this programming language may seem ludicrous for those individuals that seek the Holy Grail of PHP language perfection. For this group of nay-Sayers, PHP will still continue to suffer from a deficiency of a stable rigorous structure, a changing fragmentation of server services as well as a tarnished reputation for the abnormal delay of the PHP 6 stack. Again, the truth is that PHP is still very popular is will continue to rule.
Despite this, these statistics will always be clear: PHP is the most prevalent server based scripting language on the internet. With over 80% deployment, this language continues to grow its market share, at the expense of other so called “more serious programming languages” such as Ruby, Java, and ASP.NET among several others. In effect, ignoring PHP is similar to ignoring oxygen in the atmosphere. It has become among the most important aspects of the internet structure meaning that it will be almost impractical for a different upstart language to unseat PHP’s strategic foundation. So finally, what is the future of PHP like?
Reasons why PHP is here to stay
Easy to learn:
Unlike several other languages, PHP is quite simple to learn and has a shorter learning curve which means that programming experts can get more productive from using it. This language was designed to appeal to website designers as well as HTML coders, and most of them have appreciated the fact that PHP has met these demands and even surpassed them.
Open Source:
This programming language permits for both commercial as well as non-commercial use and development. This implies that you have the freedom to play around with it without having to pay for any license fees or anything of the kind. Also you can easily fix bugs or even customise your software in accordance with your particular requirements since the source code is also available. This is however not possible with the off-the-shelf, commercial products.
Database support:
PHP provides extensive database support. It supports ODBC, open source databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, as well as commercial ones such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and Sybase.
Unlike other languages, PHP offers extensive database support. It also supports open source database like PostgreSQL, MySQL among several other commercial ones like Oracle, Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server.
PHP language offers several extensions as well as source code for everything from directory access to XML manipulation so that programming also leverages this code to rapidly put together advanced applications.
Safe mode:
This language permits the execution of code even in restricted environments and is great for providers that target to serve several customers via a shared infrastructure.
These are just but a tip of the iceberg as far as the benefits of PHP are concerned. Most importantly, PHP is fun! It is an exciting language for programming needs. You can easily leverage current extensions as well as code to quickly and easily put together your great websites. Take full advantage of this awesome programming language. The buzz regarding its exit will slowly die down like dew on grass at the wake of the sun. Just bear in mind that this language is one of the most popular of all programming languages on the server side. The usage of PHP will continue to grow and clearly this language will continue to evolve. Again shun that buzz that PHP is a falling giant and hit above the belt using this language. Contact Ignition Media for help in case you are still at crossroads as far as this programming language is concerned. Sometime you just need expert help to get you moving.
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