How to Validate Your Website Address on Google+
If you want to enjoy the full PPC and SEO benefits that are associated with a strong presence…
If you want to enjoy the full PPC and SEO benefits that are associated with a strong presence…
Those who have had the experience of setting up Google+ and integrating the pages with Google Local would…
A CMS, in general, is a system that provides tools and procedures that can be used to manage work flow. It allows more than one people to share data, controls access to the data, and aids in storing the data. In website development and management, the CMS is used to create and manage the publishing of information.
Google has integrated normal search results with Google Places listings. For instance, if you search for “Japanese Restaurant Gold Coast,” you will see four Google Places listings before the normal results (with this keyword, the establishments that appeared on the top spot listings did not appear on the normal search results). Usually, seven listings appear on the search page (also known as the 7 Pack).
The power of the internet has opened an enormous opportunity to reach people from all over the world. This is particularly true in the field of marketing. The exposure of a website significantly affects its popularity and sales, thereby making it essential to achieve high visibility on the World Wide Web.
There are two reasons for this. First off, a blog can provide a website with more keyword-rich pages that will be indexed. Secondly, blog posts mean opportunities for incoming links. Both of these factors mean—and can catapult a website in terms of Google rankings.
Google social search is new method of searching a person’s social media network to give him personalized search results. For example, if you are searching for a used car and your friend or colleague on Twitter, Facebook, or a LinkedIn, among others, has one to sell or say something about it, you’ll be able to see a link to that post in your search results along with its summary.
According to Google, Pagerank is a way of leveraging the “uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page’s value.”
Let’s explain with an example. Take two pages, page X and page Y. Now according to Google, when X links to Y, it is counted as a vote of approval by page X for page Y. However, there’s more. Google doesn’t limit pageranking to just the volume of votes (links) a webpage receives. The search engine also analyses the webpage that voted for the other webpage. So, if a heavyweight webpage casts a vote for your webpage, then it counts more and makes your webpage “important”
There is a buzz in the air. It’s getting louder. It’s about the newer, fresher, and faster version of Google search engine. And it’s called Google Caffeine. To be launched sometime this year, Google Caffeine will look like the current version.
Wordpress is one of the leading portals where you can create your own blog or now, a CMS website (Content Management System). Today, blogs are quite famous and a successful blog is as good as a successful website. If you are using your blog on Wordpress for professional reasons, you will require having it SEO friendly. Here are the top five WordPress Plug-ins to enhance the SEO of your blog:
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